How much does it cost?
Our standard Lawn Parties are $85.00 for the Mason Package 1, $105.00 for the Logan Package 2, and $125.o0 for the Payton Package 3. Other events such as graduations can have various price points. Check out our Lawn Party Portfolio on the home page for examples. Credit/Debit card payments accepted. Payment is due at the time of booking, once you receive your invoice, in order to save your date.
How Does it work?
After booking your Lawn Party, an automated confirmation will be sent regarding your order. After we review it, an invoice will be sent within 24-48 hours. Please remember this invoice must be paid to save your Lawn Party date. Please note you are paying for a rental and not purchasing the signs.
Setups usually happens the evening before the event, between 6:30 PM and midnight. We pick-up the signs later the next day between the same times. If you are looking to keep the Lawn Party for more than one day, we can accommodate that as well for an additional charge.
Delivery, set up, and take down of the Lawn Party greetings are all included in the price. If this is a surprise, please make sure to let someone in the house know we will be setting up in their yard, so we don’t get hurt!
Where do you deliver signs?
We serve most of the North East Fresno/Clovis area. Please see our delivery map to confirm you are a part of this. Some areas are considered our extended delivery zone and there is an additional delivery fee.
Can we do them for more than one day?
Yes! We are always willing to work with to meet the needs of your special event, though there may be an additional fee.
Can signs be setup a different time?
We are here to meet the needs of your occasion. Make sure to let us know on your order under special instructions that you need a different time and we will work to accommodate it.
Can I buy signs from you to keep?
We are a rental only business. Purchasing is not available at this time.
Lawn Party Policies
Once you submit your order, we will confirm availability and send you an invoice with 24-48 hours. Invoices must be paid within 24 hours to hold date.
This is a Rental
You are paying for rental of yard card signs. These are owned by LawnPartyFresno, LawnPartyClovis, LawnPartyCA, and not available for purchase.
If for any reason you need to cancel your order you must do so 72 hours in advance to receive a full refund, 48 hours for a half refund. Otherwise you will be given a credit to schedule on a different day.
Setups usually happens the evening before the event, between 6:30 PM and midnight. We pick-up the signs later the next day between the same times. If you are looking to keep the Lawn Party for more than one day, we can accommodate that as well for an additional charge.
Yard Maintenance
We ask that you turn off your sprinklers and don’t mow or trim on the day your greeting is displayed in your lawn. We do ask that you water your yard the day before to assist with the install. Also, please notify your lawn services, if it lands on the same day of your Lawn Party.
You are responsible for approval from any HOA, management, or neighborhood boards.
Refund Policy
Refunds will not be given based on the following
-if homeowner or business requests signs be removed.
-If wrong address is provided while booking
-Any circumstances that prevent us from setting up the display, that are out of our control.
Greeting Policy
LawnParty is something fun for all occasions. LawnParty reserves the right to politely decline any controversial, lewd, or disrespectful content that does not fit the Lawn Party nature of our business.
Damage Policy
Any damage, destruction, or tampering with the LawnParty signs is prohibited. Signs should not be removed without consent from LawnParty. You are responsible for the replacement of the graphics, letters, or stakes, at full replacement value.
We serve most of the North East Fresno/Clovis area. Please see our delivery area to confirm you are a part of this. Some areas are considered extended delivery zones, so please keep in mind there is an extra fee.
Standard Delivery Area North/East